Author: Jane Davitt

Author: Jane Davitt

Jane Davitt is English, and has been living in Canada with her husband, two children, and two cats, since 1997. Writing and reading are her main occupations but if she ever had any spare time she might spend it gardening, walking, or doing cross stitch. She's recently taken up yoga and loves discovering her ability to bend.

Jane has been writing since 2002 and wishes she'd started earlier. She is a huge fan of SF, fantasy, erotica, and mystery novels and has a tendency to get addicted to TV shows that get cancelled all too soon.

She owns over 4,000 books, rarely gives any away, but is happy to loan them, and is of the firm opinion that there is no such thing as "too many books."

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Lucky Strike (A Holiday Charity Novel)
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Death’s a heartbeat away, but love is even closer. Flying a traveler to Leap celebrations on the luxury planet Crestal...
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Bundle: Get to Know: Jane Davitt
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Get to know Jane Davitt, an English writer of romance, angst, steam, and frequently all of the above. She is...
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